Court House
Athletic Edge only or choose BOTH CLUBS!

Court House Family Fitness is proud to offer Karate for the whole family!
The core of our program is Tae Kwon Do, one of the most effective means of self-defense, works wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Coordination sharpens, reflexes quicken, breathing becomes controlled, muscle tone improves, and overall strength and endurance increase dramatically. Students also have the opportunity to train using a variety of Japanese weapons!
Start with an Introductory Lesson! We also offer camps, clinics, Ninja Night, and more!
*Black Belt Club members can train at either location.
*Basic Program members will choose one home studio.
New to our Karate Program? Choose INTRO LESSON below to schedule your first meeting with an instructor and receive your karate gi (uniform). Your second lesson, as part of your intro, will be either another one-on-one lesson or participation in one class. Afterward an instructor will go over options with you, and you can choose how to continue, with monthly or paid-in-full options.
Need that extra health and wellness boost that working out can bring? Join the gym today and work out while your child is in karate class!