Give the Gift of Fitness


important details

Your card will be charged this amount. See below for common pricing.

We will contact you within 72 hours to discuss pickup or delivery of certificate. Shhhh…we know it’s a secret!

Individual: $38 monthly & one-time key fob purchase $10

Couple: $65 monthly & one-time key fob purchase $20

*both above include access to CH Fit24

Personal Training for Individual: average $40/hr with membership or $50/hr without membership

Youth Basketball Session: average $100- $150

*some exceptions apply

Click for more info:

Individual 24/7: $20 monthly & one-time key fob purchase $10

Couple 24/7: $40 monthly & one-time key fob purchase $20

Personal Training for Individual: average $40/hr with membership or $50/hr without membership

*some exceptions apply

Click for more info:

Swim– average $55 monthly
Gymnastics– average $60- $68 monthly
Dance– average $250 for one session
Karate– starts at $48 monthly

Annual Registration Fee: $30/ student or $60/ family
*Karate & Dance students do not pay the registration fee unless they enroll in another program that requires it

*some exceptions apply

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